2020-2021 Benton 5-8 online yearbook order form information (Deadline to order: December 21, 2020). Order forms may also be picked up in the office. Go to the following website: ybpay.lifetouch.com Yearbook ID Code: 13578221
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
5-8 Announcements for 12-3-20
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
5-8 Announcements for 12-2-20
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
12-2-20 Announcements
Picture retakes are scheduled for Tuesday, December 15! K-4 in person pictures will be from 12:00-1:00 and 5-8 in person pictures will be from 1:00-2:00. All K-4 remote students that wish to have retakes done can come from 2:15-2:45 and 5-8 remote students from 2:45-3:15 that day. Parents will need to take them to the Event Center lobby. Picture forms are available in the office.
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
5-8 Announcements for 12-1-2020
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
12-1-20 Announcements
5-8 Announcements for 11-30-20
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
11-30 Announcements
BGS is excited to partner with the Girls Scouts of Southern Illinois to offer an opportunity for qualifying families to purchase their own PC for a one time payment of $20. Please view the attached flyer for specific details and contact information.
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
PC's for People
The K-4 Thanksgiving Feast will be held on Monday, Nov. 30! Please send items to school as indicated by your child's teacher on the 30th. Students should dress as Native Americans and Pilgrims to share in all the fun planned activities! Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
about 4 years ago, Debra Blakey
The Egyptian Health Department shared a flyer containing details for Community Meals in Franklin County for the Thanksgiving holiday. Please share this information with anyone that might be interested. The flyer has been attached.
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Community Meals
All teachers are offering zoom meetings daily for students. If your child needs help with their remote learning, teachers are available each day, and can be reached through email or by calling the office. Chromebook sites are also available. We are here to help!
about 4 years ago, Benton Grade School
World Kindness Day was Friday 11/13. Student Council Members found different ways to be kind in the community by helping others. Great job to all of those that participated!
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Kindness Day
Spring Registration Forms were due by Friday November 13th at 4:00. Please remember, if the spring registration form was not turned in your student will stay in their present learning platform for the rest of this school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school.
about 4 years ago, Benton Grade School
Thanksgiving Feast is on for Nov. 30th! More information to follow soon!
about 4 years ago, Debra Blakey
A Day of Thanks!
On behalf of everybody at Benton #47 thank you to all of our veterans for your tremendous sacrifice defending freedom and the way of life we are so blessed to live. Thank you Veterans...have a great day!
about 4 years ago, Steve Smith
Thank you to everyone that has turned in spring registration forms. Registration forms need to be returned to one of the drop boxes outside of the school offices by this Friday, November 13th. Have a great evening!
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Please view the attached image for details about meal distribution during remote learning.
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Get ready for Family Reading Night on Thursday, November 19th! Take a picture of reading adventures and send to your teacher!
about 4 years ago, Debra Blakey
Family Reading Night
Don't forget to stay active during our time away from school. Mr. Cook will be updating his virtual classroom with daily exercises and activities. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1e9zTHKgo1w17N0Xry6zWLTxqm3SG-B0JmBZBZETrOVM/edit?usp=sharing
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Don't forget that Chromebooks sites are available in the K-2 Gym and the Event Center Lobby for students to utilize from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM during remote learning days. Students need to be accompanied by an adult while working at one of these locations. Have a great day!
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Picture retake day for tomorrow, Monday, November 9th, has been postponed and will be rescheduled for a later date.
about 4 years ago, Doug Jones