BGS Parents, BGS will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 20, due to road conditions on several of our in town and county routes.
10 days ago, Steve Smith
BGS Parents, Benton 47 will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb 19, due to weather and road conditions. Thank you.
10 days ago, Steve Smith
BGS Parents, Due to the uncertainty on the timing for tomorrow's weather, we are moving dismissal back to 2 pm. In addition, all after school and night activities are cancelled. Thank you.
11 days ago, Steve Smith
BGS Parents- power has been restored and we will be back on regular schedule tomorrow. Thank you.
15 days ago, Steve Smith
BGS Parents, BGS has experienced a partial power outage impacting phone lines, incoming and outgoing calls, heat, and lighting to several classrooms. As a result we will be moving dismissal today back to 1:30 pm. We will run normal schedule bus routes beginning at 1:30 pm.
16 days ago, Steve Smith
Parents Important Dates for February: K-4 Spring Pictures and make-ups tomorrow, February 12th. 5-8 Spring Pictures and make-ups Thursday, February 13th. 3rd Quarter Progress Report Thursday, February 13th. No School - Presidents Day Monday, February 17th.
18 days ago, Benton Grade School
Reminder: Students will have a full day of attendance tomorrow, Wednesday, February 5th. We will dismiss at 3:00 p.m.
25 days ago, Benton Grade School
Reminder: Tuesday, January 28th is an 11:00 am dismissal February 5th was scheduled as an 11:00 am dismissal but will now be a full attendance day, and we will dismiss at 3:00 pm for students If you have any questions regarding this, please contact one of our main offices
about 1 month ago, Benton Grade School
Parents, the roads have been assessed, and some are still hazardous. The following roads are still considered hazardous, and we will not be running the following AM or PM routes: ORANGE BUS—Benton Camp Rd, N Benton Rd, Old Lake Rd to Bowling Alley Rd. LIGHT BLUE BUS- Forest Baptist Church Rd. Hill City Rd, S Park St. PINK BUS- Eakin Grove Church Rd and Eakin Grove Rd and River Bend Rd MEL’S BUS- will run where possible We will return to our regular routes next Tuesday, January 21st. Benton Grade School thanks you for your patience.
about 1 month ago, Benton Grade School
Parents Due to the road conditions on some of the routes, we will not be running the following AM or PM routes tomorrow, Wednesday January 15th or Thursday January 16th. ORANGE BUS—Benton Camp Rd, N Benton Rd, Old Lake Rd to Bowling Alley Rd. LIGHT BLUE BUS- Forest Baptist Church Rd. Hill City Rd, S Park St. PINK BUS- Eakin Grove Church Rd and Eakin Grove Rd and River Bend Rd MEL’S BUS- will run where possible We will update you on Thursday evening regarding Friday. Thank you for your patience.
about 2 months ago, Benton Grade School
Parents of Orange Bus- Orange bus had a slight delay due to road conditions on Benton Camp Rd. They are back in route and will be delivered a few minutes later than normal.
about 2 months ago, Steve Smith
Benton #47 will be back in session tomorrow, Monday, January 13. The parking lots are clear but still have some slick spots. Please be careful and take your time at drop off and pick up. Also, be patient with busses, they will run where possible and might be a few minutes later than normal. Thank you.
about 2 months ago, Steve Smith
Benton #47 will be closed Friday, January 10. This will be our final elearning day. Any days canceled moving forward will be emergency snow days.
about 2 months ago, Steve Smith
Benton #47 will be closed Thursday, January 9. It will be scheduled as an elearning day.
about 2 months ago, Steve Smith
BGS Parents, Benton #47 will be closed Wednesday, January 8. It will be scheduled as a elearning day. Thank you.
about 2 months ago, Steve Smith
Benton #47 will be closed Tuesday, January 7. It will be scheduled as an elearning day.
about 2 months ago, Steve Smith
Benton #47 will be closed on Monday, January 6. It will be scheduled as an eLearning day. Thank you.
about 2 months ago, Steve Smith
Reminder: Students are scheduled to return to school on Monday, January 6th. Due to possible inclement weather, please stay updated with the Benton #47 app and our local news.
about 2 months ago, Benton Grade School
Reminder: Tomorrow, Friday, December 20th, will be an 11:00 a.m. dismissal. Our Christmas Break begins on December 23rd. We will not be in attendance from December 23rd to January 3rd. Students will return on Monday, January 6th. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
2 months ago, Benton Grade School
Reminder: Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 27th, our Thanksgiving Break will begin, and there will be no school. Students will return on December 2nd. We wish all our students and their families a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago, Benton Grade School