Reminder: Graduation is tonight at 6:00 PM. 8th graders should arrive to the school by 5:45 and meet in the commons area. Event Center lobby doors will open at 5:00 PM for those with graduation tickets. Following the ceremony, Christopher Kays will be located in the 5-8 Commons offering photo opportunities for those interested. More information can be found on the website or in the handout provided at graduation.
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Tonight’s graduation ceremony can be live streamed using the following link:
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
The attached flyer contains information from ShutterSnap Photo about graduation pictures available after tonight’s ceremony.
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
PC's for People is offering another opportunity for BGS families to purchase computers at a discount price. Use the following link to view details about registering for this event.
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
The boys track team came away from the SIJHSAA Regional in Harrisburg on Monday with 3 individual regional champions in 4 different events. Gabe McLain won the 1600 Meter Run. Cole Buchanan won the 800 Meter Run. Logan Reed was a double regional champion winning both the 7th 100 Meter Dash and the 200 Meter Dash. Congratulations!
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Congratulations to SIJHSAA State Champion golfer, River Stilley. River shot a 69 on Monday afternoon at the Rend Lake golf course. Fellow BGS teammate Kash Cantrell was close behind in 2nd place, shooting a 74. Grant Owens was also a top 15 All-State selection shooting an 88, which was good for 13th place. We look forward to following their golf careers in high school!
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Check out some images from the Spring Concert earlier this week. All band groups did an outstanding job!
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
5-8 Announcements for 5-13-21
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Note from Mr. Crisp: Any 8th grade remote students attending graduation on Friday that still have their Geography book should bring the book with them to drop off.
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Reminder: physicals are being offered for current 5th, 6th, and 7th grade tomorrow at the school for $25. Additional information can be found in the "Live Feed" post from last week. Informational packets are still available in the 5-8 office.
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
5-8 Announcements for 5/11/21
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
5-8 Announcements for 5/10/21
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
This coming week brings an end to the 2020-2021 BGS sports seasons. The track teams head to Taylor Field in Harrisburg on Monday to compete in the SIJHSAA regional meet. The state qualifying golfers will be at Rend Lake on Tuesday to compete against the best junior high golfers in southern Illinois. Spectators are welcomed to attend both events. Starting times for both days have been attached to this message. Good luck to all of our student athletes competing!
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Join us live on the Benton 47 YouTube page for the 2021 Spring Musical.
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
The attached letter is for any graduate that has not yet paid for a cap and gown. Cap and gowns will be handed out during practice on Wednesday, May 12th.
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
cap and gown
The track meet at Marion has been canceled due to expected weather this afternoon.
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
5-8 Announcements for 5-6-21
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
Information about the upcoming physicals being offered for current 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students is attached to this message. A packet containing this information was handed out to students today, but we also have extra copies in the 5-8 office.
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
5-8 Announcements for 5-5-21
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones
The track meet this Thursday is behind the Jr. High in Marion. Field events got bumped up to a 1:30 PM start time with running events to follow. Spectators are allowed and should enter at the northeast end of the track. Good luck to our teams!
almost 4 years ago, Doug Jones